
Petka trinaestog, u aprilu 2029. (2+0+2+9=13?). godine asteroid 2004MN4 bi po podacima trenutnih posmatranja trebao da prodje nedaleko od Zemlje. Verovatnoca udarca se menja iz dana u dan, i trenutno nije toliko velika (1:26000), znacajno manje nego donedavno aktuelnih 1:45.

Informacije: ovde i ovde.

Near-Earth Asteroid 2004 MN4: improved situationThe asteroid 2004 MN4 will have a very close approach to Earth in 2029. However, the observations collected by the astronomers, both professionals and amateurs, have provided enough information to exclude the possibility of an impact in 2029. This asteroid has an estimated diameter of 400 meters, and the nominal orbit solution results in a close approach to the Earth at 64,000 Km minimum distance on April 13, 2029. The actual distance could even be smaller, as small as 8 times the radius of the Earth. At the time of closest approach, the asteroid should be as bright as a fifth magnitude star, thus from some areas it will be visible to the naked eye. ..... However, given the current knowledge of the orbit, we cannot yet exclude that there could be an impact at a later date, e.g., in 2044 and 2053. We have every expectation that further monitoring and further analysis on this object will entirely eliminate its potential hazard. Source: NeoDys. NeoDys orbitalni elementi su ovde